Pakistani Rishtey has been serving the matrimony community for years now. With easy profiles, free sign ups and messaging options, our expert matchmakers help people find their best rishta in Pakistan. We specialize in diverse profiles and work with people from all over Pakistan as well as overseas Pakistanis. With our services, you will find rishta quickly, without any privacy issues or communication troubles. Pakistani Rishtey prides in connecting people from all backgrounds of castes and religious sects.
Our profiles are verified by phone and email. Further verification includes the picture upload to ensure the person on the profile matches the description. All the profiles are regularly scanned to ensure all the respectful community standards are being followed. This helps keep the website safe from unknown people or people wasting time of serious rishtas.
Our matchmakers and the system is designed in such a way that it will never leak any information you provide. We respect the privacy of our members and ensure their accounts are secure from any attacks or time wasters.
The technology of today is ever changing but Pakistani Rishtey has kept pure its matchmaking by connecting families in traditional methods Pakistani culture is famous for. Both parties are connected where they meet each other and decide the future of rishta.
While it is easy to lead with the heart, we highly suggest that you hold off on that for a while. It is extremely important that you keep an eye out for the red flags so that you do not curse your luck later. Better yet, keep a friend or family member around or at least updated with everything that is going on.